Friday, October 26, 2007

It's a small world after all

I did some surfing on not just for the tweens anymore. I resisted it for a LONG time but I was finally sucked in. I can truly appreciate what small world it is when looking around here. I looked up some old friends from high school only to find in their list of friends people I know from the volunteer fire scene. It really gives credit to the six degrees of separation theory. The technology is really great. You can leave messages for everyone at once or pick one person to talk with. I feel like a caught up with people I haven seen in years in just a few moments. This is great way to find old friends.

I am really enjoying the Learning 2.0 experience.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Mini Moo...Realization

OK I feel very silly now, but this is what learning is all about. I was playing around more on the Flicka and the Moo sites and I see now that the print on the Moo mini cards is on the back not over the picture...OOPS!!! Good thing is I am defiantly going to get this for my friend for Christmas. I just need to find the right pictures.

Mini MOO's

OK I was going to write how much I love these and how easy they are to create.
They are extremely easy to create but I was making one to use as a business card, but you can't preview the finished product or I was not finding that feature. I was able to preview my image without the writing and preview the writing but not both. Maybe that is to protect the company from having people print them themselves, but that was really disappointing. I was unable to tell if you could read the words with the immage I chose behind them. I still like the site and the Moo mini cards. I think I will be making business cards for a friend for Christmas. I will have to play around some more and see how you can make the Moo Mini cards with more then one image I only played with one picture. Looking around at some of the images of the Moo mini cards on Flickr they look really professional.


OK I have a bit of catching up to do, but there is plenty of time to do that.

I searched the Flickr sight and decided to look up the fire house where I volunteer and I found the saddest picture... This is a truck we sold YEARS ago. Apparently it out lived its usefulness for them as most vehicles eventually do. It is now sitting abandoned in a junk yard in Pennsylvania. Our vehicles are just as important to us as each member who rides on them, so it is extremely sad to see one decaying there.

I also did a search for Queens Borough Public Library and I was surprised to find a picture of the Broad Channel Library with in the 13 hits. Even more surprising is that is was not a BC resident that placed the picture there. Just a person who loves libraries and had a little collection of pictures of unique libraries. Our library is cute and unique!

Monday, October 1, 2007


I am so ecxited and very proud of myself. I aslo learned that one wrong click can cost you 10 minutes trying to correct it.

getting started...

I can't believe I figured out how to set up this account. I guess I will see soon enough if this worked or not. Hope I become more confident on the computers over the next few months.