Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Mini MOO's

OK I was going to write how much I love these and how easy they are to create.
They are extremely easy to create but I was making one to use as a business card, but you can't preview the finished product or I was not finding that feature. I was able to preview my image without the writing and preview the writing but not both. Maybe that is to protect the company from having people print them themselves, but that was really disappointing. I was unable to tell if you could read the words with the immage I chose behind them. I still like the site and the Moo mini cards. I think I will be making business cards for a friend for Christmas. I will have to play around some more and see how you can make the Moo Mini cards with more then one image I only played with one picture. Looking around at some of the images of the Moo mini cards on Flickr they look really professional.

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