Friday, December 21, 2007

A New Begining...

The program is over but the journey has just begun.

I have learned so much from this program and although there were times that I was frustrated beyond belief, but I have learned so much that I will be able to use in the future. I have wet my toes in the pond of technology although I am not quite ready to jump in with yet I have a new base of knowledge to build upon. This program was a great idea and I am so happy that queens has given us this opportunity. Not only can I use all these new tools for my personal benefit but I can better help my customers with this new found knowledge.

My favorite part of the program looking back had to actually be the Flicka, image generators and the Flicka Mashups. I have always loved photographs and it is fun to look thought the ton and tons of pictures on the site and see the endless possibilities of things to do and make with the pictures.

As for things to do differently there honestly isn't much I would change, except it would have been nice to have had a better way to contact people who could help on a topic you got stuck on. RSS gave me a really bad time. I work in a 2 person agency and I called several people, both inside and outside the library, who were not able to help me. It would have been nice to be able to pick up the phone and speak with someone who would have been able to help me. Other then that the program was wonderful!

Wiki Wiki Fun...

I tried editing wikis again and after several more ERROR and you've been blacklisted messages I found an interesting wiki that allowed me to edit!
It is was a Children's book list wiki. They have all different categories, like trucks and you can add your title and author to the list. I have a set or triplets who LOVE David Gordon's books; The Ugly Truckling, Hansel and Diesel, Three Little Rigs. I have gotten those books off the shelves so many times for them I hope other kids will enjoy the story as well.

RSS Thing 8 & 9

Frustration, frustration, frustration...

Did I mention how frustrating this assignment was...but after weeks and weeks I finally got it. I am very proud of myself, VERY PROUD!!!!! Seeing on the tips and zips that this was the one that gave everyone the most problems was very comforting...Thanks to whoever had the idea to include that!

I signed up for the account with out any problems, I understood the concepts. I was not expecting the problems I faced next.

I have no idea what the problem is but I couldn't figure out and of the search tools like feedster. Many of my searches had no results that actually could actually be connected to the bloglines account. I had tried Blog lines search back in the beginning but I had technical problems with that. I tried it once again today and it worked I signed up for a few library blogs and also for some EMS blogs. I can really see myself using this site. I end up finding sites that I check for a while but then I forget. By using this site I will be also to better track some of those interesting sites.

I am very happy because I thought this one thing was going to keep me from finishing the program on time.

See everyone at the finish lines in a little while!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Now I know what they have been talking about on the radio. And one question I had was answered which came first eh Ipod or the podcast...ANSWER the podcast. I actually wonder about that when I hear the word podcast. Since Apple has been doing so well with their clever word twist I was actually assuming it was the other way around.

I did look through and I found some interesting stuff like a woman who has posted herself reading different books. I wanted to listen to a bit of it but I was told by the computer who thinks it knows more then me ( and I fear it is right) that I am missing a file ActiveX. I don't know what that means exactly except I can't listen to the podcast, but with so much blocked on our computers I am not to surprised. That was when I tried

Yahoo Audio had better results I was able to listen to a few excerpts from audio books from this site. If we don't have this on our site yet we should look into it especially since one podcast came from a Suffolk County Library.

Online Productivity

I think I like this... I always like to have someone double check and reread my work and this is the perfect place to do that I can create the document and then someone else can go in and edit it there is no chance of printing the wrong document because it is always the original file that is being worked on. Much easier then sending attachments. Nice that you don't need to worry about the file size either I have a excel file that fills one floppy disk which used to be a problem for me since I had to carry several disks to work on an annual even for the fire house, although that has eased a bit since I started to use a thumb drive it is nice to not have to worry about the fire size for storage or if the e-mail can handle the larger files which has been a problem in the past as well. There does seem to be some draw backs, I only looked at the Google one, and the fonts are limited in types and size. I thought I would kill two birds with one stone and make a sign for the door reminding people to close the door behind them when the enter or exit but I could only go up to 36 on the font size. Very useful but I don't think Bill Gates needs to worry yet!

And incase anyone reading my blog is wondering I haven't had some one rereadthe blog posts for me I have just posted them on my own and there are a ton of typos that I have found later. On a positive not I figured out how to edit them recently, but who has time for that I bearly have time to finish this project. But I believe I have a bout 4 more things to go...onely one more to go bfore I need to go back to the dreaded RSS again...I tried SEVERAL times but I just can't get that one.

Library 2.0

Library 2.0 is a very interesting concept. It seems to be the directions that the library needs to go in. Times they are a changing and if we have no choice but to keep up with them. With everyone going paperless and green friendly society is moving be more technology based. We have been preparing for Library 2.0 for years since we switched from the card catalog to databases. Our Kids are growing up knowing web 2.0 before they even know their own names, with out keeping up we will surly die out.

When this is all over and done it will be interesting to sit down and compare the 23 1/2 things to our own Adult and Teen websites. Also would like to see how we compare to other library systems one the library2.0/web 2.0 highway.


Interesting...but it looks like it should be Channel 4's news page.

Like I don't see my self using this site much. I looked at he tutorial and the features page but I think I am really missing something on this site. I don't see how to search separately for blog posts, tags and the blog directory. I did search "learning 2.0" and found some interesting blog posts, but maybe if I was searching a topic that had more meaning for me I might find this site more useful.

I plan on visiting this site and again one things settle down after New Years. I want to give myself some time to absorb what I have learned and look at it all fresh again and see if I pick up some new knowledge. It's will be like reading a book for the second time, you usually catching something new that you missed in the first read.

I did do a search for "Queens Library" while I was on this site and people are not happy with our flayers Thanking the mayor and others for their support for 6 day service. I was surprised to see that pop up.

Personally not being a very technologically savvy person I really only see myself using this site to access my bookmarks anyplace. I like the sites that I use and I know how to use them and can quickly access the info I need on them. I do see the potential for others who are more Internet and computer savvy then myself to get a lot out of this site. The best benefit for me is that I can save my favorite sites here and access them at which ever library I might be assigned to. I wish I had know about this when I was working Saturdays at other locations.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Picture fun

OK this one was fun. I don't know why I originally skipped this one but I was having a ball with this now. I made posters, puzzles and tons of other stuff with family pictures. I think I might make a poster for a gift for my nephews Confirmation...It might be nice to have everyone sign the poster at his party. Anyway this is a poster I made from one of my favorite pictures. It is my godchild riding on a carousel after my sister and I took her to Build-a-bear for her birthday last year. I remember thinking how expensive but for this picture it was worth the price. It is much better in the original form it is deteriorating as I copy it. The camera captured her crystal clear and blurred the background. I know I could never have gotten that if I tried...and after I took this one I tried to get several more which all came out bad.
This is a fun thing to play around certainly doesn't feel like I am at work when learning this.

OK maybe I am an alcoholic

For some reason I am finding lots of alcohol related stuff in this learning project.

This Time I was looking at eMedia.

I found this simple enough to use. Although 900 titles sounds like a lot but it really isn't much. All the titles I looked for were not available, I was actually thinking that I was doing something wrong. Finally I tried searching for the Bible and was surprised that we don't have that...but I guess there would not be a big demand for the Bible in electronic format. But while searching the title Bible I came up with the Bartender's Bible by Gary Regan I believe this is actually an e-book not an eaudio). Really alcohol finds me I am not looking for it but...if it happens to find me I don't turn it away. I would defiantly download this title.

I also did a subject search for historical fiction and there was an interesting book called Abundance: A Novel of Marie Antoinette by Sena Jeter Naslund that I would love to download(also an e-book). I would love to have the last few of Patterson's Women's Murder Club books and catch up on that series.

I tried to take the tutorial but I am missing Flash player on my computer(BC only has 2 staff computers), and I am not authorized to download the program but I was still able to figure it out with out the guided tour.

Unfortunately, I don't currently have a home computer and this is not compatible with the Ipod (my family will be happy I am not begging to use there computers for this). I guess I will just have to win the computer in the end so I can listen to the book.

With two weeks left to go

I just realized I have 2 weeks left to finish this and I just crossed the half way mark. It probably would have been easier to have kept up and did each one as they were released but unfortunately time didn't allow for that, But I still have a chance of crossing the finish line in time and if not it was still fun trying (and a bit frustrating at times).

My congrats to everyone who already finished...see you at the end.

17 1/2 ???

Facebook should have been a full number...

I explored facebook it is OK but I had a lot of trouble using Myspace and it seems so much easier to use...Sorry to all my friends who have facebook and who are excited that I am now a member because I will not be using it much.

As for some to the top ten facebook applications

IRead...I read do you???
I think Queens customers will LOVE this...readers like to see what others are reading and more importantly what they think about what they are reading.

This one looks like it might be useful for ready reference type questions...Did I just date myself by using the term Ready Reference...I haven't heard that in a LONG time.

This one is another one that our customers would like...this would be a good one for a library facebook page. We could link to community picture and library pictures.

This looks like it would be another one that would be good for a library page...we could post PowerPoint presentations for staff as well as customers (like the Exit Project Video)

LOL Cats
This is probably a very very popular application. Everyone puts the cute kitties on their sites, e-mails etc. Kids, tweens, teens and adults will love this one.

I don't think this one will be LOVE my our customers...some people will defiantly find it useful but I don't see customers using it often.
This one I will have to get back to you one since I skipped this as part of the original 23 1/2 things and still need to go back to it.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Giving up on posting on a wiki...for now at least.

On my next attempt I got the following message...Anyone have a suggestion. I can't set up an account because Queens Library's IP address is blacklisted. Shame since I finally found something I wanted to post...maybe another day.

Error 403
We're sorry, but we could not fulfill your request for /index.php?title=Special:Userlogin&action=submitlogin&type=signup&returnto=Wikis on this server.
Your Internet Protocol address is listed on a blacklist of addresses involved in malicious or illegal activity. See the listing below for more details on specific blacklists and removal procedures.
Your technical support key is: 0cc7-60fd-1366-73cd
You can use this key to fix this problem yourself.
If you are unable to fix the problem yourself, please contact meredith at and be sure to provide the technical support key shown above.


I tried to make post on Wikipedia but I got the following error message. I guess all our kids have been busy! I'll just have to try another wiki...very disappointing.

Can't create account
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search
Account creation from this IP address ( has been temporarily restricted. This is probably due to persistent vandalism from the IP address you are editing from, which may be shared by many people if you are connected to the Internet via a proxy server (used by most schools and corporations and some Internet Service Providers) or dial-up access. To enquire about the block or request that an account be created for you, please attempt to edit a page and follow the instructions under the Emailing us section on the page to which you will then be directed.
More information about the block: account creation from this IP address was blocked by Wknight94, who gave the reason Abusing multiple accounts: Ron liebman.

Wiki --- Wiki

The library wikis are very intresting. I can see customers really enjoying looking and adding to many of these. they could be used to create book lists as well as synopisis/reviews of books. I would really like to see this on our website, I really think it would be a welcomed addition for our internet savy readers.

SJCPL Subject Guides had a lot of usefull information but just seems like a dull site. I felt the same way about the Library Sucess wiki, good info but not very exciting. I enjoyed the book lovers wiki much better. How could you not love a site that has this as the fitured review???

Flushed: How the Plumber Saved Civilization by W. Hodding Carter

What can I possibly say? If ever there was a book that provided "too much information" W. Hodding Carter's fascinating book, Flushed: how the plumber saved civilization, fits that description! Everything you wanted (or in some cases) didn't want to know about the history of toilets and plumbing can be found in this book. After reading a few pages I was hooked on Carter's style, wit and insight to a topic that I never gave much thought to yet appreciate on a daily basis. And just think of the endless dinner conversation it will provide: from why do people shake hands with their right hand to explaining Roman latrines were set up for conversation. It's not a the book! Recommended. Reviewed by Dan Bauer.

I requested the book we will see if it is as good as the review suggested!!! This type of thing was actually more of what I expected from a library wiki.

Rolie Pollie Ollie...Rollyo

Sorry I had to every time I read the word Rollyo, Rollie Pollie Ollie comes to mind.

OK this was another easy one but I think I will need to go back and make a new more useful search roll. I made one with all of the sites I uses to review romance books. It seamed to be easy since the list wasn't to long, but I don't know how often I will use this search roll. For learning it was useful.

This is a GREAT site. I can see how it will save a lot of time looking up information on common and frequently asked topics. Easy to use, but once I made the search roll I had a little trouble finding it but not much now that I know where to look I will be making some new searches very soon!

Skipping around again...but I know this one!!!


Finally one I know and can do with absolutely no problem...I am a very happy librarian!!! Can you tell I am excited about finally knowing one of the 23 1/2 things?

I learned youtube a while back when friends started sending me e-mails with links to the site. Crazy bride cutting her hair moments before her wedding and others which where much more entertaining. Then I heard people talking at the firehouse where I volunteer and surprise surprise the Firehouse has videos on youtube. Some of our guys have been taping themselves while on their way to calls. I also see a new one has been posted on youtube of our last drill. I included the link to the newest of our videos (thanks to our LT for posting these)

Enough about the firehouse...I see this being very useful to libraries. Libraries can tape programs and put snips of them on the website so people can see what programs are available it would also be helpful for people who don't understand what a program is from the description (i know that has happened to me) they can watch a minute or so of the program for a better idea of what they will be getting by attending the actual program.