Saturday, December 8, 2007

Skipping around again...but I know this one!!!


Finally one I know and can do with absolutely no problem...I am a very happy librarian!!! Can you tell I am excited about finally knowing one of the 23 1/2 things?

I learned youtube a while back when friends started sending me e-mails with links to the site. Crazy bride cutting her hair moments before her wedding and others which where much more entertaining. Then I heard people talking at the firehouse where I volunteer and surprise surprise the Firehouse has videos on youtube. Some of our guys have been taping themselves while on their way to calls. I also see a new one has been posted on youtube of our last drill. I included the link to the newest of our videos (thanks to our LT for posting these)

Enough about the firehouse...I see this being very useful to libraries. Libraries can tape programs and put snips of them on the website so people can see what programs are available it would also be helpful for people who don't understand what a program is from the description (i know that has happened to me) they can watch a minute or so of the program for a better idea of what they will be getting by attending the actual program.

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