Saturday, December 8, 2007

Wiki --- Wiki

The library wikis are very intresting. I can see customers really enjoying looking and adding to many of these. they could be used to create book lists as well as synopisis/reviews of books. I would really like to see this on our website, I really think it would be a welcomed addition for our internet savy readers.

SJCPL Subject Guides had a lot of usefull information but just seems like a dull site. I felt the same way about the Library Sucess wiki, good info but not very exciting. I enjoyed the book lovers wiki much better. How could you not love a site that has this as the fitured review???

Flushed: How the Plumber Saved Civilization by W. Hodding Carter

What can I possibly say? If ever there was a book that provided "too much information" W. Hodding Carter's fascinating book, Flushed: how the plumber saved civilization, fits that description! Everything you wanted (or in some cases) didn't want to know about the history of toilets and plumbing can be found in this book. After reading a few pages I was hooked on Carter's style, wit and insight to a topic that I never gave much thought to yet appreciate on a daily basis. And just think of the endless dinner conversation it will provide: from why do people shake hands with their right hand to explaining Roman latrines were set up for conversation. It's not a the book! Recommended. Reviewed by Dan Bauer.

I requested the book we will see if it is as good as the review suggested!!! This type of thing was actually more of what I expected from a library wiki.

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